Wrist Strengthening

Wrist Strengthening

May 13, 2022

“Our bodies are our gardens – our wills are our gardeners.” -William Shakespeare

This week we are going to talk about our wrists. I know a lot of people over see wrist strengthening but I do feel it is important. With doing some simple wrist strengthening you can build up grip strength and forearm strength. Why would you want to do that? Let me ask you a couple of questions.

  1. Do your forearms ever get painful or fatigued when lifting medium/heavy objects?
  2. Do you feel you have to put things down due to not being able to grip them for a long time?
  3. Do you play Tennis/Golf and have pain in your forearms/elbows after playing a game or two?

If you said YES to any of the above situations you could benefit from some simple wrist strengthening exercises. Don’t worry it will not take you too long to do these daily. Also start out with a LOW weight. For you wrist lower weight higher reps are so much better for you. I start most of my patients out at 3-5 pounds.

Below is a short video of wrist strengthening exercises. I challenge you to try them out for a couple of weeks especially if you answered YES to the questions above. Start out with low weight (3-5#) and about 10-12 reps. As you get better/the exercise gets easier add some weight. After a month you will see stronger grip strength and forearms. Click the link below to see the exercises.

My passion in life is to help people return to their active lifestyle and to live pain free! Are you in pain? If so, call to schedule an appointment. I would love to help you.

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