Plantar fasciitis is a condition that causes pain in the heel and arch of the foot. Plantar fasciitis affects the band of tissue that supports the arch of your foot during exercise, sports, running,...
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Preventing Running Injuries
Running can be a great way to enjoy time outside and keep your heart and body healthy. Many people choose running as a recreational exercise and some even run competitively in races. While running...
What should I look for when buying running shoes?
by: Dr. Jaicy Harless “Good shoes take you good places.” ― Seo Min Hyun What shoes you should pick for running shoes? Considering that there are dozens of different colors, brands, and designs....
What shoes are right for me?
by: Dr. Jaicy Harless “It is an amazing thing, the difference to one’s power of concentration a pair of comfortable shoes can make.” Laurie R. King The Foot Supination and pronation in the foot are...
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