Most common injury of the back and tricks to prevent them

“You know you’re getting older when your back starts going out more than you do.”- Phyllis Diller Have you ever experienced an achy, sharp, and stabbing pain in your back making it hard to concentrate on your activities or even move? Unfortunately, most jobs such...

Most common injury of the ankle and tricks to prevent them

“A simple ankle sprain can become a chronic problem.” Ankle Injuries Ankle injuries commonly happen in sports such as tennis and soccer. Ankle injuries can also occur in individuals by simply walking or running. Most Common ankle injuries 1. Sprained ankle Is the...

Most common injury of the hip and tricks to prevent them

“Physical pain is temporary.” Hip injuries are a common occurrence. Older people and those with extra weight tend to suffer more with hip injuries, BUT hip pain can affect people of all ages and body sizes. Athletes and other people who frequently participate in...

Most common injury of the knee and tricks to prevent them

“Fight all your battles on your knees and you win every time.” ~ Charles Stanley Your knee joint is responsible for weight bearing and movement. It has four main structures: bone, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. The knee is a complex joint that has many...

A most common injury of the shoulder and tricks to prevent them

If God has called you, do not spend time looking over your shoulder to see who is following you. – Corrie Ten Boom A shoulder injury can occur with repetitive or sudden movements. It can happen while playing your favorite sports, exercising, falling, and doing...

Worried you will never get your pre-pregnancy body back?

Sick of feeling overwhelmed with a new baby and the stress to get back to your normal self quickly? Want to lose weight, tone your core, and increase your strength without injury? You can! We help new moms (or any moms having difficulty) just like you overcome the...

Merry Christmas!

We at Elite Muscle Recovery, would like to wish you and your family a very special HAPPY HOLIDAYS! I hope you enjoy this wonderful time of year and make some fantastic memories. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your continued support. We look forward to...

We thank you for being with us!

This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful to have you as a part of Elite Muscle Recovery. Working with you has been a true pleasure, and I can only hope our relationship continues for many years. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your continued support. May you have...

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